The following downloadable and printable Place of Reflection promotional material is provided to assist groups and organisations to readily promote the Place of Reflection within their own networks:
About the Place of Reflection: a downloadable and printable A4 general information flyer containing broad information on the design and intent of the Place of Reflection. It can be included in information packs, provided as a general handout to clients and colleagues or attached to emails.
Using the Place of Reflection: a downloadable and printable A4 flyer explaining the design features of the Place of Reflection and how they are intended to be used. A good handout to provide to people attending on-site events.
Place of Reflection Fold-Out Information Brochure: with map has also been produced for key organisations dealing with grief and loss to provide to their clients. This is intended for very targeted promotion of the Place of Reflection to people who have not heard about the facility before, at a time of direct need. If you think your organisation should also be a key distributor of this brochure, you are asked to email and a Place of Reflection Consortium member will contact you to discuss its use and availability.
Place of Reflection Poster: a downloadable and printable A4 poster for display on noticeboards in high-visibility areas such as waiting rooms. It can also be inserted into a clear A4 acrylic frame for display on reception/information counters or at expos/conferences/other events. The poster uses visual imagery to create general interest in the Place of Reflection, pointing viewers to the website for more information.
Promotional Text: Please click on the following link to download our promotional editorial copy.
Photo gallery
Because the Place of Reflection has great visual appeal, including a photo of the site is an effective way of promoting it to new audiences. If organisations would like to include a photo of the Place of Reflection in their newsletters or on their websites, the following images are provided for this purpose.
Place of Reflection map
A PDF of the map is included in the Getting There section of this website. This is suitable for printing off or attaching to an email.